Saturday, November 22, 2014


I was out running errands with my wife as we often do in the afternoon.  While parked waiting for my wife to come out of Walmart, a gentleman backed his truck into the handicapped space next to me. He had a permit properly displayed, then jumped out of his truck, sitting three feet off the ground, and jogged into the store.  Legal, yes, as long as the handicapped permit was his own.  Florida. Land of the interesting...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Here in Florida

Some pretty strange things happen here in Florida.  Most of the country usually finds out about them because of the Sate of Florida's Sunshine Laws. Sunshine is the best disinfectant or source of skin cancer and or embarrassment.  I guess it all depends on your perspective.  As a Yankee for most of my fifty years, I'm a transplant as opposed to a native Floridian.  Most natives of the Sunshine State would rather us Yankees just come down for a few weeks or months (along with our money) and then get the hell out. 
These temporary residents of two or more months, are called Snowbirds. When the North winds blows, snow birds from Maine to Minnesota head south to avoid the cold and snow. 

For most snowbirds, once here the preferred method of transportation is a golf cart. Hence, today's only in Florida picture. A golf cart parked in front of a grocery store.